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We can “Call You From the Car” We can arrange a time to “Call You From the Car” or Skype or Face time standing beside, or sitting in the vehicle you want to see.
Every vehicle has been checked out thoroughly by our certified technicians with special emphasis on safety and reliability. We have many Certified Pre-Owned vehicles. 99% of our pre-owned vehicles come with an extended warranty with the sale. Extended Warranties are available for peace of mind after the factory warranty ends.
Bargain Basement Pre-Owned – We have a selection of “Bargain Priced,” “As Is” vehicles that are safe to drive but due to the high mileage we cannot add an extended warranty at time of sale. If you are looking for a low priced, cash vehicle we have the selection.
Fill out our secure financial application. We will immediately go to work for you. We will search all major lenders to get you the best interest rate possible and search our inventory to find the perfect selection of vehicles to fit with in your budget.
Find out the approximate value of your trade in vehicle. You can then arrange for a free, on-site appraisal of your vehicle with no obligation required or appraise your trade online.
Our team will get the vehicle prepped for your arrival and verify:
Our Customer Satisfaction Team Will Contact You After the Sale: